Please ensure you are seated promptly at 10:15 AM to maintain the schedule and allow each speaker their full presentation time.
10:15 – 10:30 Abolanle Adesope (University of the West of England)
Gender-Segregated Spaces & Muslim Women’s Physical Activity & Wellbeing in the UK
10:30 – 10:45 Tanimola Martins (University of Exeter)
Investigating Ethnic Differences in Performance of PSA Testing in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
10:45 – 11:00 Kehinde Ross (Liverpool John Moores University)
Mud Huts to MicroRNA: An Afropean Journey
11:00 – 11:15 Nicholas G. G. Edwards (Durham University)
Western Herbal Medicine & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Dr Abolanle Adesope
University of the West of England
Abolanle Adesope is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Health and Social Sciences at the University of the West of England. She focuses on public health issues affecting marginalised groups, particularly exploring the effects of gender-segregated spaces on the physical activity, mental health, and wellbeing of Muslim women in the UK.
Dr Kehinde Ross
Liverpool John Moores University
Kehinde Ross is a Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Liverpool John Moores University. His research primarily explores the role of microRNAs in skin disorders, such as psoriasis and eczema, and their treatment using small molecule modulation. Dr. Ross has a strong background in dermatological sciences and has collaborated on projects developing lipid and polymer nanocarriers for miRNA-directed therapy for inflammatory diseases.
Dr Tanimola Martins
University of Exeter
Tanimola Martins is a prominent researcher in the field of ethnic inequalities in cancer diagnostics, with expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. His work is dedicated to advancing research and initiatives that foster early cancer diagnosis and improve outcomes for all patients, regardless of their sociodemographic background. Tanimola’s research leverages nationally linked health data to identify and elucidate the mechanisms driving ethnic disparities in diagnostic pathways. His ultimate aim is to improve knowledge and pinpoint areas where targeted interventions or policy reforms can deliver maximum impact. Importantly, the insights from his work have the potential to inform strategies applicable to other marginalised groups and chronic conditions.
Nicholas Edwards
Durham University
Nicholas Edwards is an early years researcher in medical anthropology at Durham University. His research primarily explores ethnomedical practices and their use of medicinal plant species, particularly in the UK.